Scientific MeritScore of 1 to 5 Highest = 1 Lowest = 5 | - Are the hypotheses scientifically sound and answerable by the proposed design?
- Is the study appropriately designed to address the hypothesis?
- Is the population appropriate for the research? Do the eligibility criteria specify an appropriate population?
- Does the proposal include proper randomization and stratification procedures, as relevant?
- Are safety parameters specified?
Public Health ImpactScore of 1 to 5 Highest = 1 Lowest = 5 | - What is the relevance of the concept to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of infectious diseases? For example, will the resulting data prevent spread, save lives and/or decrease morbidity and if so, to what extent?
- What is the value added to the field? For example, will the study extend existing interventions or meet an unmet need?
- Does it contribute to a critical pathway that will advance science and impact public health, and if so, how?
- If shown to be effective, will the procedures or outcome described in the concept be acceptable and deliverable to key affected stakeholders (communities, clinicians, policy makers, as applicable)?
FeasibilityScore of 1 to 5 Highest = 1 Lowest = 5 | - Is the proposal feasible for implementation?
- Is study product produced and available?
- Is an appropriate study population available for recruitment?
- What is the level of difficulty for study implementation?
- What is level of difficulty of meeting target accrual?
- Is there capacity to conduct laboratory assay required for the proposed endpoints in a timely and accurate fashion?
- Is the study schedule appropriate?
- Are there barriers to IRB, ethical and/or regulatory approval?
Fit with VTEU MissionScore of 1 to 5 Highest = 1 Lowest = 5 | - Is the concept aligned with the scientific priorities of the IDCRC?
- Does the proposal benefit from the VTEU model that emphasizes a multi-site, multi-disciplinary collaboration involving different populations?
- How is the proposed intervention well-suited for evaluation through the VTEU mechanism? Is this a concept that would otherwise not be evaluated through other mechanisms such as alternative/industry development pathways?
InnovationScore of 1 to 5 Highest = 1 Lowest = 5 | - Is the concept, approach, population or intervention novel?
- Will the proposed trial involve innovative methodologies or assays?
Overall Priority ScoreScore of 1 to 5 Highest = 1 Lowest = 5 | - Is the concept proposal of sufficient priority within the IDCRC to commit resources to the development and implementation?
- Based on the relevance of the concept proposal to the IDCRC scientific agenda, what is your level of support for the concept proposal?