IDCRC Investigator Profile: Lisa Jackson, MD, MPH

Lisa Jackson, MD, MPH, is an infectious disease epidemiologist, clinical trialist, and senior investigator at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI), and the principal investigator (PI) of KPWHRI’s Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit (VTEU).
How long has KPWHRI been part of the VTEU network?
We have been conducting vaccine clinical trials since 1997 and have been a member of the VTEU network since 2007.
Briefly describe the IDCRC-supported trials you’ve worked on
As with all of the IDCRC VTEU sites, we were heavily involved with COVID-19 trials, including the Phase 1 trial of the Moderna mRNA vaccine and Phase 3 trials, as well as the Janssen adenovirus vectored vaccine. We have also participated in the 21-0002, 21-0012, and 22-0004 COVID vaccine evaluations, the 22-0020 mpox study, as well as a first-in-human trial to assess the Sm-p80 + GLA-SE (SchistoShield®) schistosomiasis vaccine. Learn more about other IDCRC Studies
Of these trials, what has been the most impactful or highlight of the work?
We were the lead site for the phase 1 trial of the NIH-Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, which started enrollment on March 16, 2020, and provided important information to guide dose selection, and later, use of booster doses, of that vaccine.
What is a strength or example of the importance of the IDCRC during the pandemic and beyond?
The IDCRC represents a collaboration between NIH, IDCRC leadership, and the VTEUs which provides broad expertise to address priorities in evaluations of vaccines of public health importance and pandemic response.
What do you like to do outside of the VTEU?
When I can, I enjoy hiking and spending time in the North Cascades (also known as the American Alps) in the northeastern part of Washington State.